Thursday, January 8, 2015

2015 - The Year to LEAN IN

Lean in.

That phrase has come out of my mouth so many times recently. I have some revelation on the depth of what it means, but I'm sure I've only scratched the surface. I'm excited to see it unfold this year.

As a worship leader in an INCREDIBLE church, people are often surprised to hear that I get nervous every time before I lead worship. I've been leading worship for 20 years or so, and yet the nerves still arrive. For me, I think those nerves are a divine reminder that I can't do it in my own strength - that I am hooped without the help of Holy Spirit.

So what do I do about nerves? How do I process fear when it comes? Well, rather than shrink back or run from it (the fight or flight decision moment), I have learned to LEAN IN to it. Now mind you, I don't give in to fear, or submit to it, I just lean in. I lean forward rather than pull back.

The dictionary defines "lean in" as follows:
To shift one's body weight forward or toward something
To embrace risk, be assertive, etc as to achieve the greatest level of success in

Why do I lean in?

I lean in because I have learned that fear often knocks on the door at the place of our greatest gifting or anointing. The enemy doesn't want us stepping into what we are anointed for, so he will send fear knocking in hopes that we shrink back. Instead of shrinking back, let's counter that attack by leaning in and shifting forward. If we refuse to lean in, to step forward, we may miss out on the beautiful rewards and success that come on the other side of leaning.

In essence, by leaning in, we are giving God's Word - His truth over our lives and situations - more weight than the fear. I have heard it said that "what we feed grows, and what we starve dies". I'm not sure who penned the phrase or who said it first, but I quote it often! The more we lean in, even when fear is knocking, the more our faith is growing, and the more we are starving out fear in our lives.

The most powerful part of this whole thought of leaning in, is the WHO on the side of the lean.
Part of the definition of the word "lean" includes "to rest against or on someone or something for support; to depend or rely on". One thing for sure, proven time and time again, is that God is the strong tower that we can totally lean and depend on.

I trust Him.
No matter what comes my way, I will choose to continue trust in Him.
I choose to LEAN IN.

2015 - The Year to LEAN IN.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Becomes Part of the Story

Our lives are filled with moments, memories, and happenings.

I can pause right now, and easily list 100 remarkable moments in my life that I will never forget; moments that have shaped and moulded me, people that have inspired me, and memories that instantly bring a smile or giggle to my face. I can also list moments that have left me broken and overwhelmed for a time, instances where I had the opportunity to be stretched and pruned, and people that have challenged me and pointed out the blind-spots in me.

For a long while, I would catch myself dwelling on the tougher moments on my journey, thinking to myself "wow, I've really made some messes". There have been seasons where I have felt like a failure as a leader, like I was beyond repair, like my mess had just gotten too big for even God to want to deal with me.

How wrong I was.

Lately, there is one album on loop when I listen to incredible recording called "The Undoing" by Steffany Gretzinger, one of the worship leaders at Bethel Church in Redding, California.

You can check it out at:

One of my favourite songs on the album is called "Out of Hiding", and is a love song from the Father beckoning us to come close to Him. A line that I cannot get out of my heart and mouth is:

"And oh as you run, what hindered love, will only become part of the story".

What hindered love. The messy stretches and happenings that made me hide or distance myself from Him and others. The times where I felt broken beyond repair. The times when I chose to withdraw instead of leaning in. Those things have now all become part of the story.

You see, the restorative power of God has gotten ahold of me, and I have had enough encounters with the love of God that I now see the truth. Like the lyrics of Steffany's first verse,  I heard Him calling me to "come out of hiding/you're safe here with Me/there's no need to cover what I already see."

And now, every part of my journey - the highs and lows, the breakthroughs and the heartaches, are ALL a part of my story. The story of God's beautiful redemption and grace in my life.

What once hindered love, has now become part of the story.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Start Where You Are

As i sit in Starbucks, drinking from my new Christmas mug, I'm breathing in deeply and savouring every moment of this lovely day off.

It has been over two years since my last blog entry - tisk tisk - but I'm excited to start again. I'm starting in a new season, and in many ways as a new Miranda. You see, this has not just been a 2+ yr gap of no writing, this has been 2+ yr adventure of crazy, wild, healing and restoration.

Although we are never really "done" processing, I feel that I am definitely on the other side of this latest season. And now I can breathe a little bit deeper. I can finally articulate a little clearer all that has happened to me these last couple years. (I will however leave that for another day's entry.)

What I do want to express today, is an encouragement and a challenge to those who may come across this blog entry.

I want to tell you...

It is never too late to start again.
You can begin fresh, with a clean slate.
Start right now, right where you are.

Maybe you feel messy, broken, like you have nothing to offer? That's not entirely true. It may be true that you feel messy and broken, but I feel obliged to tell you that you actually have something powerful to offer from that place.

For whatever reason, perhaps cultural, we have come to believe that we have to have all our "ducks in a row", and feel strong and confident, before we can DO or BE something. Some have believed that their mistakes and mess disqualify them from such doing and being.

Take for instance the fact that I have a dream and desire to one day write books that will impact people powerfully. Books that will remind them who they are, and spur them on to greatness. Books that will call out what is deep within them and challenge them to do the same for others. That all sounds incredibly exciting. Problem is, I have yet to write them. I believe they are buried somewhere deep within me, and I hope to some day release them.

Not too long ago, a friend challenged me to start writing. I argued that I didn't know where to start???? She quickly challenged me with "start where you are." Those words hit me on a deeper level than she could have imagined. They felt like a knife jabbed into my heart, only thing is, they didn't wound me, they released pressure (picture one of those doctor shows where someone can't breathe and the doctor cuts into the neck and inserts a tube and oxygen begins to flow again). Ok, so now what? Where am I? How do I start? As a way to start my writing journey and passion again, she encouraged me to start blogging again. To make a commitment to blog at least once a week. So here I am. Blog entry one of this new season.

What is it that you need to do to start right where you are?

Have you been lonely and longing for connection? Maybe you need to invite one friend for coffee this week.

Has your fear of being vulnerable kept you from releasing your creativity? Pick up a pen, a brush, an instrument tonight and create something. Release a single sound or stroke and see how you feel.

Have you made a move to a new place to pursue a dream and seen it unfulfilled? Go for a walk and breathe the dream in deeply again. Remind yourself that God's timing is perfect.

Wherever you are, whatever you long for, start where you are. Do one thing to point you in the direction of your dream.

I am. Consider this blog entry my first step in the direction of my first of many books.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Battle Belongs to God

Have you ever felt like the things in front of you, the things that you are facing, are too big for you to handle? Have you thought for a moment that perhaps God accidentally "gave you more than you can handle"? Well, if you can answer yes to either of those questions (or ones similar), you are not alone. Sometimes we can definitely feel in over our heads. Thankfully, we aren't meant to be ruled by our feelings.

I am reminded of Jehosophat this morning, as I often am when things seem "large". In chapter 20 of 2 Chronicles it tells the story of Jehosophat and the Israelites, as they come upon a vast army ready to attack them. Territories that they obediently did not invade when they came from Egypt, were now coming to invade them!! Jehosophat's first thought was to be alarmed. These collective armies definitely out numbered his army, and I'm sure he felt just a tad bit overwhelmed.

But what's the next thing He did? In verse 3 we see that Jehosophat resolved to inquire of the Lord, to seek help from Him.

The teacher in me finds it necessary to define the word RESOLVED for you. It is such a key in our process. It means "firm in purpose or intent; determined ; that is so powerful. Sometimes we just need to determine something in our hearts, and stick to it. To determine that our first response in any situation will be to inquire of the Lord.

In front of the entire assembly of gathered Israelites, Jehosophat began to cry out to God. You can read his prayer for yourself in verses 6-12. As I read it, I get the sense that he had some confidence in God; this incredible God who had delivered them in the past..."we will stand in Your presence...and cry out to You in our distress, YOU WILL HEAR US AND SAVE US".

What happened next is one of my favorite parts of the story:

The Spirit of the Lord came on Jahaziel (a Levite), and he began to declare the word of the Lord over the people:

Do not be afraid or discouraged.
The battle is not yours, but God's.
You will not have to fight this battle.
Take up your positions, and stand firm and see the deliverance of God.
The Lord will be with you.

Wow. Retread those lines a few times and apply them to what you are facing. I am doing the same. Insert your name at the beginning of each line. Powerful.

And then what was Jehosophat's response to the word of the Lord...worship.

Him and the Israelites fell down in worship before God. Then some of the Levites stood and began to praise God IN A VERY LOUD VOICE.

You can read the rest of the story in verses 20-26 for yourself. To sum it up, they got up early the next morning, headed towards the battle with the worshippers leading the pack, declaring "give thanks to the Lord for His love endures forever". Unbeknownst to them, as they worshipped, God was setting up ambushes on their behalf. And when I say ambushes, I mean AMBUSHES. When the arrived at the place that overlooks the battlefield, everyone was DEAD!!! The enemy armies had turned on each other and there were only dead bodies left. All that was left for Jehosophat and the Israelites to do was to collect the loot!! There was so much stuff it took the 3 DAYS to collect it all!! They named that place The Valley of Berakah which means The Valley of Praise!

You may have read that story before, as I have, but today we need a fresh reminder.

No matter what mountain, army, or situation stands in front of us, we have an incredibly trustworthy God who fights on our behalf. We don't have to fight the battle. Go to praise. Begin to declare the goodness of God in the midst of your situation. Prophesy His Bigness over the seeming bigness of your circumstance. His capitalized Bigness was on purpose! If we will simply resolve to trust Him, to surrender to His ability to bring resolution, breakthrough, answers, etc, we will see His hand move on our behalf in ways we can't imagine.

Whatever you face today, be encouraged.
Go back and declare the Word of the Lord through Jahaziel over yourself and your situation.
Something will shift.
I don't know when, and I don't know how, but it WILL SHIFT.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Abiding in Him, Planted in His House, Abounding in Joy!!

Hello friends!!
It is a new year, and of course, a new opportunity to be more diligent to blog!!
I don't know how, but the days, weeks, months just seem to slip by quicker and quicker.
I know one thing for sure...I don't want to waste a single moment this year!!

As I blog for the first time this year, I want to share my personal declaration. I already posted it as a note on my Facebook profile, but wanted to add it here as well, for future reference.

2012 - The Year of Restoration
Everyday I declare...

I am a daughter of heaven.
I am loved and known by God.
I am the apple of His eye, and the treasure of His heart.
I am blessed and highly favored.
Favor is on me, in me, and goes before me.
I am overflowing with hope through the power of Holy Spirit.
I am a daughter of the house.
I carry the house in my heart.
I am anointed by God, called to be an agent of love.
I am a Levite.
I carry the presence of God.
I flow in the blessing of God.
I am anointed to lead others into God's presence.
I am the head and not the tail.
I am a conquering warrior.
I have everything in me that I need to overcome.
No undeserved curse will come to rest on my life,my family, or the life of The Dream Centre Church.
I am full of the fruit of Holy Spirit.
I am abiding in Him, I am planted in His House, and I am ABOUNDING in Joy!
I am blessed, and strong, and have everything I need for great success.
I am loved and I belong.
I am never alone. I walk with God all the days of my life.
I find all I need in God's unfailing, unending love.
I am who God says I am.
I am healed and whole. I live in divine health and wholeness.
I dwell in the shelter of the Most High God.
I rest in the shadow of The Almighty.
I have a new voice, a new sound, for a new song and season. I am a songbird.
God is granting the desires of my heart.
I am blessed when I come in and when I go out.
My best days are still ahead of me.
My future is big, my future is bright, my future is LIMITLESS.
My life is ABOUNDING with JOY!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Don't Stop Believing!!

What are you believing for? What is brewing on the inside of you that you are longing to see fulfilled in your world? What do you dream about as you sleep at night? Do you awake full of hope, knowing that it is going to happen?

This is a season for expectation to increase. It's a season to believe at a higher level. Don't stop dreaming, and don't give up on the things that you are believing for. I promise, they ARE coming to pass.

What if the fulfillment and actualization of what you are believing for is scheduled to happen tomorrow, and you give up today?? The release of your promise could very well be that close. Think of that every day and let it help motivate you to continue to believe BIG.

Galatians 6:9 says "let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap a harvest if we do not lose heart (give up)"

You are closer than you realize. The only way you will not get what you are believing for is if you give up and stop believing. So don't!!

Be open. Stay soft and pliable. Maybe in this season Holy Spirit wants to whisper some new strategy in your ear as you press in. Perhaps He wants to give you a new key to your breakthrough. God is always about the process and the journey. He knows that this waiting season is not meant for discouragement or passivity, but it is meant to stretch you, challenge you, and pull you higher. You will look back on this season and see some of your greatest growth as you've learned to trust at a greater level, learned to activate your faith, learned to stay in hope!

A new strategy is the very thing God dropped into my ear on Monday as I travelled back home from my holidays. For those of you who know me well, you know that I have been struggling with a broken voice for over a year now. I've been able to sing, lead and prophesy still, but with less volume/strength as usual. It's like my "oompher" is broke. So, for all these months I've gone through specialist tests, herbal remedies, and crying out to God for answers, healing, and breakthrough. Some strength has come back, sometimes momentary oomph, but not complete use. Well, God dropped something new into my spirit as I travelled this week. I sensed that I needed to stop asking for restoration in this area. I know - sounds strange - but keep reading.

For months I have been crying out to Him, sometimes begging, for restoration of my voice, that He would bring it back in it's full strength, stronger than ever before. Great prayer. However, over the last couple months specifically I have also been praying for our worship in the house, and sensing that God wants to release something very fresh. A new season of songs, creativity, a rise of the prophetic. A NEW SOUND. I sometimes hear glimpses of it in our Sunday worship. It's beautiful, it's deep, it's heavenly lovely. Now let me take you back to my car/travel revelation...I sensed God tell me stop praying for restoration of my old voice, and to start prophesying and declaring a NEW VOICE. This new sound requires an altogether NEW VOICE. It was a powerful key dropped into my lap, and I sang my whole way home. It was a beautiful release, unlike anything I have ever experienced before.

I share that all to say, keep believing, keep dreaming, and be open to God dropping some fresh strategy into your world in regards to what you are believing for!
It is a new season. And your future is bright.
"Sorrow may last for a night, but JOY comes with the morning." (Psalm 30:5)

Just as a new voice/sound is coming for me, a new release is also coming for you. New oppotunities, new ideas, new relationships, new adventures. Get ready! Don't stop believing! Keep your ears and eyes open!

xoxo Mir

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

One of My Summer Challenges...

Quite often people see January as a good time for goal setting, New Year's resolutions, self-evaluation, etc, as do I, but there is also a couple other pivitol times of the year for me.

September feels like the "start" of the new year quite often, mainly due to the fact that I am a teacher and things kick into full swing in God's house (where I am blessed to have the opportunity to serve and do life).

Another pivitol time is starting this week for me. Evolve classes are over, my music students are on break till September, and things have now slowed down (be it ever-so-slightly) in the House. People around me are making their plans for summer holiday excursions, pulling out their flipflops & shorts, and shifting into "chill mode". I myself have begun indulging in all those routines, minus the shorts, as I plan to spend my summer in DRESSES and flipflops. Loveliness.

Having said all that, I have also made a decision in the midst of this chill season...I am going to do A LOT of reading this summer. I want to read 2 books each week!! If I stick to the plan, by the time things kick back into full swing on September 5th, I will have enjoyed 22 books!

This might sound exhausting to some, but I am over-the-moon about it. Reading is refreshing for me, it stirs my spirit, creates somewhat of an awakening in me. It stretches my "tent pegs" and increases my capacity.

So, I will be sharing this journey with you readers, somewhat, if you don't mind! Not really a summary, but more a description of the change these books will bring in me, the enlarging they will cause to happen.

This week's reads arrived in the mail only yesterday, so I have only a half week to finish them. I have already begun reading "Shame and Grace", a book recommended to me by a spiritual dad in my world (one who inspires me with his never-back-down, always-be-growing way of life). It has already captivated me, and it is causing a shift deep within my spirit. The second book, which I will start tomorrow, is "The Art of Possibility", recommended by a lovely Vancouverite gal who dares to fill her world with nothing but possibility. I can't wait to read it!

I can't help but feel like this summer is going to be full of treasured moments, seeing the goodness of God around every corner. He takes such great delight in us, it's incredible!!

What are your summer plans?

xoxo Mir